So, usually, my motto is "why do it today, after all tomorrow is another day...." a dictum usually viewed in the rather pessimistic way, that I'm procrastinating. Rather than think of it as procrastinating, I would rather view this more optimistically, like I believe there will be tomorrow, and the idea of tomorrow fills me with hope.
Hm. But, if I do wait until tomorrow, well we all know tomorrow never actually comes, in the buddhist/AA sense of TODAY being the all important thing. Thus:
So, I'm starting this blog as a more serious blog, than my other blog, faitheism, which I will still update, but have that have more personal content, where this blog will follow my journey on trying to survive as an artist in the current economic times.
All that being said, I am a self-taught mixed-media middle-aged in-recovery woman; living out in the sticks trying to make a living. I'm not going to post long drawn out things, I'm not like that, but I'll try to intersperse work/thoughts with the whole "how do I make this work, while not sucking up and admitting I really SHOULD be working at burger king?" sort of tools and explorations.
If any of this makes any sense at all, keep tuned in.
Check out my website for more info too.